Ο περιβαλλοντικός αντίκτυπος της κρουαζιέρας σύμφωνα με τα Παραρτήματα της MARPOL I,IV,V,VI

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Αγορά κρουαζιέρας ; MARPOL ; Περιβάλλον ; Ειδικές περιοχές ; Προορισμοί κρουαζιέρας ; Λιμενικές Αρχές ; Απορρίμματα ; Λύματα ; Αέριοι ρύποι ; Λιμενικές εγκαταστάσειςAbstract
This dissertation examines the environmental impact of cruise activity on various popular (or not) destinations, based on five of the six MARPOL’s Convention Annexes of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Although the limited recent and relative literature on cruise waste flows, the aim of the study is to examine whether cruise companies comply with IMO standards for marine and air pollution, as well as whether port authorities in classic and emerging cruise destinations are ready to manage the environmental impact of these large floating hotels. In addition, reference will be made to the economic contribution of cruising to the host ports and finally an attempt will be made to answer the question of whether the economic benefits of cruising can offset their environmental impact.