Η ικανοποίηση των εργαζομένων σε δημόσιο νοσοκομείο
Job satisfaction of employees in a public hospital
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Professional satisfaction has been studied for decades and has attracted the interest of many researchers. Job satisfaction is essentially how an employee feels about his or her job, showing the degree to which he or she loves or dislikes his or her job. It depends on various conditions such as the fees, the promotion, the nature of the work, the recognition, the operating conditions, the colleagues, the communication, etc.
In the present study, the degree of satisfaction of the employees of a Greek public hospital was studied. The research deals with the amount of factors that affect job satisfaction, affecting hospital employees. This is followed by a correlation with demographic and labor factors such as age, the sector to which they belong and their educational level.
Specifically, the study involved 80 hospital employees, who were given a questionnaire in June 2020. The first part of the questionnaire concerns demographic questions and the second consists of questions from Paul Spector's well-known "Job Satisfaction Survey" questionnaire, which measures job satisfaction.
The findings of the research led us to the conclusion that the employees of the hospital are at moderate levels of satisfaction, on the verge of dissatisfaction. Finally, it was found that the factors that negatively affect employee satisfaction are wages, recognition, operating conditions, privileges and colleagues.