Αξιοποίηση θαλάσσιων οικονομικών ζωνών,κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων στην Κυπριακή ΑΟΖ και ασφάλεια ναυσιπλοΐας
Utilization of economic zones, hydrocarbon fuels and insurance policy of ship navigation
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ΑΟΖ ; Διεθνές Δίκαιο της Θάλασσας ; Κοιτάσματα υδρογονανθράκων ; Ασφάλεια ναυσιπλοΐας ; ΚύπροςAbstract
Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus contains significant energy reserves mainly on hydrocarbons, as confirmed by many measurements that have taken place in this maritime area in recent years. Mining, exporting and exploiting them is a cost problem, among other problems, which needs to be resolved. However, apart from this problem, the instability caused by Turkey's action and attitude in the region makes the issue of security particularly important. The participation of the Republic of Cyprus in the actions of the European Union and its observance of all international maritime rules is an important step in that direction.