Αγορές αγαθών δικτύου και κρατική πολιτική
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Δικτυακές εξωτερικότητες ; Συμβατότητα - ασυμβατότητα δικτύου ; Τυποποίηση προϊόντων ; Οικονομίες κλίμακας ; Εγκλωβισμός χρηστών ; Αντιμονοπωλιακή πολιτική ; Δικτυακή οικονομία ; Ανταγωνισμός ; Πληροφοριακά αγαθά ; Δίκη MicrosoftAbstract
This thesis refers to the principles of microeconomic theoryregardingnetwork economiesand network products that technology firms offer to users. The study addresses network economies and network externalities which are created through mechanisms that firms try to impose,such as compatibility, establishment of standards, and standardization, in order to ensure their positioning against their competitors in the marketplace. Strategies of network economics such as One-side-market and Two-side-marketare studied, along with their affiliation to monopolies and oligopolies,in relation to market equilibrium,in terms of quantity and price. The social impacts which resultfromunfair competitionarealso discussed together with the rolethat public policy playsin the formulation of network compatibility,making reference to the antitrustlitigation againstMicrosoft where the charges, the findings, defending line andverdict are analyzed. Using the mathematical model that follows, the study examines-on theoretical level-cases of consumer compatibility in choosing goods that are compatible orincompatible with their own usefulness as well as compatibilitydictated by the state and Nash equilibrium in the network.