Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση και υποκίνηση - μελέτη περίπτωσης: Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων
Job satisfaction and motivation - case study: Ministry of Development and Investment

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Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση ; Υποκίνηση ; Δημόσιος τομέαςAbstract
The job satisfaction of the employees and the motivation they receive from their direct supervisor and from the management of the company or the organization employed, are important factors in achieving the individual goals of each one, as well as the objectives of the organization. This study is an attempt to present the definitions that have been historically given for the above concepts, through the international bibliography and to identify the factors that affect and shape them. In addition, the forms and methods of measuring work satisfaction are listed, as well as theories that have been figured out for the process of stimulation and the results of the employees’ behavior and performance.
Although employees should be one of the most important asset of an enterprise, however, in public sector, motivation differs considerably from the private sector. The existence of bureaucracy and the lack of strategy and culture, that enhances job satisfaction in public institutions, result in the dissatisfaction of the employees and their notoriety in society. The current economic crisis has affected considerably the public sector employees, and as a result, the need for a shift of state institutions on one hand to encourage their employees and on the other is imperative to protect and develop them.
This study took place through primary research conducted at the Ministry of Development and Investment and addressed specific parts of it, with the aim of investigating the job satisfaction of the employees and the existence of sufficient motivation. The analysis of their responses showed that there is a high level of disinterest among employees for their work, which should be a challenge for governments, since there is a fertile ground for changing and improving working conditions, by providing prospects of advancement in the hierarchy of organizations and all factors that help improve stimulation and job satisfaction. The conclusions of this study give ideas and proposals that may trigger additional research, which will highlight the importance of the role of motivation and stimulation of the employees and will contribute to the enhancement of job satisfaction in order to achieve individual development and social benefit.