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Nearest offers application using geofencing
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Application ; Geofencing ; Firebase ; AndroidAbstract
The purpose of the app is to let users know when they make purchases for any offers based on their location. This has several advantages for the buyer-user as well as for the seller, which we will discuss below. In addition, the firebase salesperson-user can send grouped messages to all application users via email to inform about topics that might interest the user such as promotions, product advertising, and events. Our app also keeps statistics on the number of times users have accessed an application in an area where users can view them. So we can see the mobility of a region and draw useful conclusions. A key element of our programmatic differentiation is that it offers the possibility that the geographic area where you enable the automatic sending of a message-notification to the user is within a polygon and not a circle as usual. This has the advantage of having more precision since we can precisely define the polygon where when the user enters it, a message is sent from the store that is nearby.
Regarding the registration of the user to be able to handle the application we have a registration form where once the new user puts his / her details he will receive an automated email where he will click on a link to be verified. Once this is done, it can login via the login form. Our app has other features such as google maps where the user can see entertainment spots near him based on his location and directions on how to go to where he wants.We will refer to the user's handling of the application as well as the firebase manager and the capabilities of each. Finally, we will explain some code points that are of interest and that give our application a distinct character.