Οι εφαρμογές των κανονισμών στη ναυτιλία και ο αντίκτυπός τους στη ναυτιλιακή αγορά
Τhe implementation of regulations in shipping and their impact upon the shipping market
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Πολιτικές στη ναυτιλία ; IMO ; ΑτυχήματαAbstract
This Master Thesis Dissertation examines the implementation of shipping
regulations and their impact on the entire maritime market. Particularly, it presents the
evolution of basic shipping regulations over time, while trying to relate each
regulation to the needs that led to its formation. Initially, an analysis of basic shipping
terms takes place, followed by a detailed presentation of these regulations, describes
when they came into force, what they are concerned and who they are influencing.
Finally, the last part of the thesis attempts a correlation through statistical data on the
effect of regulations on the evolution of shipping.
International organizations, such as the IMO, as well as the European Union and other
smaller players, have a decisive impact on the shipping industry. This may have
positive effects such as increasing safety, reducing accidents, but also improving the
environment, or negative impacts, such as when certain measures are introduced in a
given area (eg. Europe), which however do not apply in other regions, resulting in a
loss of competitiveness for shipping companies. At the same time, the work shows the
tendency to adapt the regulations to modern developments, both from an
environmental and technological point of view, so that shipping companies can cope
with the modern challenges, taking into account that shipping is developing