Η γενική ασφαλιστική κάλυψη και αποζημίωση του πληρώματος του πλοίου και η ειδική περίπτωση παράνομων επιβατών: ο ρόλος των P&I Clubs (UK P&I Club, Swedish Club)

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Πλήρωμα ; Λαθρεπιβάτης ; Διεθνείς κανονισμοί ; MLC ; P&I Clubs ; Ασφάλιση ; Ιατρική περίθαλψη ; Ασφαλιστικοί φορείς ; Ναυτιλιακές συμβάσειςAbstract
The human element exists in every part of the shipping industry; not only existing but most probably it is correlated to it. In the present study the care and the importance that are provided to humans, being an integral part of the shipping industry, are examined. Herein, the human takes the below two meanings; the one of a crew member on board a vessel and the one of a stowaway. The first part of the study with regards to human safety refers to the International Regulations. The various Shipping Conventions identify human rights, to be treated properly and taken care of when medical issues occur, regardless of their status; crew member or stowaway. The second part of the study refers to the indirect care the humans receive through the ship owners’ insurers; ship owners nonetheless are by all means responsible for the people on board the vessels they own or manage. Shipping is an industry with no concrete borders so humans who are part of it are protected by the international laws.