Η ανεργία στην ελληνική οικονομία
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Ανεργία ; Πληθωρισμός ; Εργατικό δυναμικό ; Μισθοί και ημερομίσθιαAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyse the unemployment which is one of the most significant social and economic problem, causing many difficulties throught the world history and greek history of the economy. The analysis and the deeping of this phenomenon is carried out by a brief apposition and historical retrospective with reference to definitions, concepts and categories of unemployment. Moreover, examined quantitive data and informations so as to result useful conclusions.The diploma thesis consists of five chapters, initially in the first chapter is refered to the main definitions of unemployment, types and categories, as well as in th different sources that may derive from. Afterwards, analyzing the causes of unemployment which create more and more booming unemployment rates worldwide and specifically in Greece. Discribed the the repercussions of unemployment such as: material deprevation, criminality, poverty and the gradual increase of immigration. In the second chapter, follows the interpretation of inflations and quoted the strong relationship with the unemployment,provided a brife caurse in the advanced economies and in the developing economies. What’s more, inflation and unemployment are examined in more detail with the assistance of the curve of A.W Phillips in long-term and short-termperiod.In the third chapter is presented the evolution of unemployment in the national level (greek economy and labor market), provided informations and data for the following: 1) the number of the workforce and the rates of unemployment, 2) the gender, 3) geographical areas, 4) the age, 5) the duration (long-term, short-term unemployment), 6) the urbanity and 7) the educational level. Furthermore, in the fourth chapter, are recorded data on current employees by counting a) the unemployment b) the number of persons receiving a monthly allowance and c) the criteria needed in order to be a person able to get the allowance. Then, there is quotation for the evolution of the average wages in Greece and carried out a comparison with the corresponding wages in the European Union. In the end of the chapter there are two more comparisons: a) the caurse of unemployment, inflation and GDP between Ireland and Greece and b) comparison of danish working model with the greek so as to stress the discrepancies. Finally in the fifth chapter, there is the explanation and the analysis of the hysteresis and persistence unemployment, and the resources of this phenomenon such as: a) hysteresis and investments, b) hysteresis and the might of workers and c) hysteresis and long-term unemployment. In the end, follows an extended reference in the ways to encounter and limit the unemployment in greek economy.