Διερεύνηση των χαρακτηριστικών που επηρεάζουν τις τιμές ναύλων στην αγορά υγρών χύδην φορτίων
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Ναυτιλιακή αγορά δεξαμενόπλοια ; Τιμές ναύλων ; Ναυτιλιακοί κύκλοι ; Θαλάσσιο εμπόριο ; Αγορά ναύλων ; Ναυλώσεις ; Αγορά νέας κατασκευής πλοίων ; Μεταχειρισμένη αγορά πλοίωνAbstract
The elaboration of this diploma thesis deals with the characteristics that affect freight rates on the liquid bulk cargo market. To approach the freights and how their prices are formed, we need to make basic references to the shipping market and the types of liquids that are transported. Then, we must analyze their characteristics, their prices, the structure of their ships and in the end, we can dive into the world of chartering. To start with, we will make a historical reference about the seaborne market to see the importance and the evolution of maritime transport and then we will analyze and present the definition of shipping market with references to its characteristics and its basics distinctions, depending on the market in which the cargo is traded.Liquid Bulk Cargoes and their types will then be presented. We will analyze them based on their characteristics, the factors that affect their prices and their geographical distribution. In addition, we will refer to their worldwide seaborne trade in today΄s times.Next, we will present the ships that carry the liquid bulk cargoes and the characteristics of each one. In addition, a reference will be made about the worldwide fleet in today΄s times.After the presentation of the chapters that will give us a global picture of liquid bulk cargoes, we will analyze chartering. There will be a reference to the definition of the charter and to the forms of chartering. An analysis of the tanker shipping market will be made to see how seaborne trade is shaped and freight rates are affected. In addition to the interpretation of the maritime cycles and the reference to their stages, we will approach the configuration of the freight rates according to the characteristics of each period. We will see key points of tanker influencing charters, but also how energy fluids and their special characteristics affect freights. Next, we will present the selection stages of a tanker to see how a charter agreement is done, but also to see the points that can affect freight rates. Furthermore, we will present basic freight indexes of liquid bulk cargoes which are price benchmarks for freight rates.Ιn the next chapter, we will see how freight rates of the tanker shipping market are formulated these days. Then, we use the statistical software SPSS and through statistical analysis we try to see the relation of several variables with the freight rates of the tanker shipping market. Afterwards, we will look at the key points of our theoretical approach, which show the characteristics that shape the freight levels of the liquid bulk cargo market and in the end, through the empirical approach, we will interpret our test results, analyze them and conduct our conclusions.