Η επίδραση της τιμολόγησης των φαρμάκων στη συγκράτηση των δαπανών υγείας στην Ευρώπη, με ειδική μνεία στην Ελλάδα
The impact of pharmaceutical pricing on curbing health spending in Europe, with a special mention in Greece
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Ευρώπη ; Ελλάδα ; Τιμολόγηση φαρμάκων ; Δαπάνες υγείας ; Αποζημίωση φαρμάκωνAbstract
In 2009, the global community was faced with an unprecedented economic crisis. States have been urged to react promptly, having to use even aggressive policies to minimize the tensions and help boost their financial liquidity. In devising programs of economic support and restraining their state budgets in all sectors, states have been faced with an increase in health expenditure, pharmaceutical expenses, and a failure to deal with these expenses through social security institutions. Social inequality has been exacerbated and the need for containment has become a commitment for governments. In Greece, the effects of the crisis were more extensive and severe than the rest of the countries, leading a large percentage of the population to unemployment and below the poverty line.
In order to control and reduce health spending, part of the expenditure has been allocated from the public sector to the private sector, turning citizens and the pharmaceutical industry into cost-sharing. Citizens contribute through increased taxation and institutionalized participation in the cost of medicines and diagnostic tests, while the pharmaceutical industry has suffered exceptional reductions in its product prices, either through the pricing system or through compulsory rebates and claw backs. Although seemingly these measures to some extent have managed to control the intensity of the rising trend in health expenditure, they have in the long run countered the growth of the country's Gross Domestic Product, creating distortions in the healthcare market.