Η στρατηγική της εταιρικής κοινωνικής ευθύνης στις σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις

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Εταιρική κοινωνική ευθύνη ; Επιχειρήσεις ; Αειφόρος ανάπτυξη ; Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Κοινωνική πολιτικήAbstract
The purpose of this essay thesis is to present benefits from
implementing corporate social responsibility as part of their strategy,
with the aim of achieving a competitive advantage.
Initially, the first chapter analyzes the concept, the institution and the characteristics of the corporate
social responsibility through analyzes and conclusions of both the domestic and the
international scientific literature of recent years.
Then, the second chapter analyzes the basic triple principle of CSR, which is the
economic, environmental and social as well as its dimensions
and its application areas. This chapter will develop the benefits that come from this
from the adoption of relevant practices, both to achieve its sustainable development
more environmentally friendly and to ensure the viability of businesses,
linking CSR concepts and sustainable development. Additionally, the correlation is analyzed
of CSR in the sense of corporate governance, given the ethical element that is
shapes the second in modern business.
The third chapter analyzes the composition of modern business
environment and presents the strategic planning process of a business
unit. This is done by controlling the external and internal environment
resulting in the SWOT analysis and reflects opportunities - threats
external business environment, and its strengths - weaknesses
internal business environment. Then the wider / macro-
the business environment, the dimensions that shape it, the socio-
cultural, political-legal, economic and technological. Finally, it is analyzed
direct / micro-enterprise environment through the use of its model
Porter.This is the analysis of the inner environment and the selection, configuration and
implementation of the strategy. By choosing the right strategy is achieved
competitive advantage.
The fourth chapter analyzes the ways of implementing corporate social responsibility,
ways of publicizing it, the measurement indicators for its evaluation and the existing ones
standards set up for CSR. In summary, corporate social responsibility
it is implemented with the stages of programming, action, control and
valuation, and completes with feedback. Measuring pointers are a series
standards that help businesses properly assess the use of CSR. End,
in this chapter are listed the ways the company can cite publicly
its practices as well as the monitoring of results by the public
is an important factor in its evolution.
The fifth and last chapter lists the advantages and some potential
disadvantages of CSR from the implementation of its business strategy.