Σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες στην εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα τροφίμων
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Τρόφιμα ; Αισθητήρες ; Δείκτες ; Εικονοποίηση ; RFID ; NFC ; OCRAbstract
As a consequence of a series of incidents and scandals that have erupted in the food sector, there is an increasing consumer concern about the quality and safety of the food they buy. Thus, the food supply chain is set to play a major role in alleviating this concern. Its goal is to control all stages of a food from producer to consumer. In order to create a sustainable food supply chain for the future, the development of new technologies and their implementation throughout the food supply chain will be a major factor.
In this dissertation are presented the main technological tools currently used in food supply chains, described and analyzed. In this thesis, reference is made to the current technological trends and research that are applicable to the food supply chain. These new technologies are primarily aimed at reducing costs along the food supply chain and ensuring the quality and safety of products up until their final consumption.
This dissertation aims to inform the reader about the types of most modern technologies in the food supply chain industry, and how they are applied in commercial operations. In addition, a bibliographic research reveals a growing technological trend in applications designed to ensure food integrity, quality, and loss reduction. Finally, reference is made to technological fields that businesses and the research community may be facing in the future, such as certification of food authenticity, virtualization of supply chain and the Internet of Things.