Οι επιπτώσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης στην υγεία και το θεσμικό πλαίσιο
The effects of the economic crisis in health and the institutional framework

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Οικονομική κρίση ; Επιπτώσεις ; Υγεία ; Θεσμικό πλαίσιο ; Economic crisis ; Consequences ; Health ; Institutional frameworkAbstract
The recent financial crisis that began in 2007 has affected and continues to negatively
affect the economy both internationally and at European and Greek level, but different
in intensity, due to the different development of each country. The countries with the
largest growth have been hit harder and the countries with medium or low growth have
been hit hardest. But within the countries there has been a differentiation of its intensity
among the citizens, with those belonging to the lower strata being hit harder.
It is natural that when a country's economy is affected to affect the health of its
citizens, and health systems are also affected, as governments reduce spending, and for
the health sector, so there are funding problems
This paper aims to analyze the impact of the economic crisis on health and the
institutional framework. A bibliographic review as well as survey data was used to
develop and analyze this issue. The first chapter presents the economic crisis in general
with a historical retrospective of the old economic crises, as well as the causes and
consequences of the recent crisis. The second chapter refers to health by giving its
definition and the factors that affect it. Also, in this chapter reference has been made to
public health as science and art, on disease prevention and health promotion, and on
health care systems. The third chapter discusses the impact of the economic crisis on
health, such as unemployment, mortality, abuse, nutritional habits, and health care with
inadequate funding. The fourth chapter lists the institutional framework for health and
how it was institutionalized before and during the crisis. Finally, the fifth chapter gives
the conclusions of this paper.