"Εκπαίδευση 2030”- Ο συντονιστικός ρόλος της UNESCΟ, η συμμετοχή του ΟΟΣΑ, της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης
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Εκπαίδευση ; Παγκόσμια εκπαίδευση ; Ανάπτυξη ; UNESCO ; Βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη ; Περιφερειακοί οργανισμοί ; Συντονισμός ; Παρακολούθηση ; Education ; Global education ; Development ; Sustainable development ; Regional organizations ; Coordination ; MonitoringAbstract
Education, a fundamental right for every human being, a public good as well as an important power to support the right to development, lies at the center of UNESCO's programs since its inception. This paper attempts to record that UNESCO, the only United Nations specialized agency for the whole spectrum of education, is the lead organization in implementing the global education agenda, from the beginning of the Education for All movement to Education 2030. It also seeks to investigate how its policies are reflected, through program implementation, on national education systems.
The Incheon Declaration, adopted at the World Education Forum in 2015, mandated UNESCO to implement and monitor SDG4, one of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNESCO set up an inclusive, multi-stakeholder Committee including OECD, the European Union and the Council of Europe. This paper attempts to record UNESCO’s cooperation with these organizations, as their participation extends to planning and monitoring mechanisms.