Διατακτικά PROBIT και LOGIT μοντέλα
Ordered PROBIT and LOGIT models
Master Thesis
Τσισμεντζόγλου, Θεοφάνης - Θουκυδίδης
2017-09View/ Open
Διατεταγμένα ; Γραμμικά μοντέλα ; Logit model ; Probit model ; Linear modelsAbstract
In many clinical trials the outcomes of a prescribed drug are not limited to curing or not
the underlying condition. Instead they include other different intermediate stages that are
documented by an ordinal scale. To model and study data such as these, one can use ordered
logit and probit generalized linear models. These models are generalizations of known logit
and probit models, but for which the dependent variable is any variable that is ordered. This
thesis presents a general theoretical background given of these models and also there is given
attention in real data application.