Το lean management στα νοσοκομεία - Η περίπτωση της Κεντρικής Μονάδας Διάλυσης Κυτταροστατικών και Βιολογικών Φαρμάκων στο Α.Ο.Ν.Α. "Ο Άγιος Σάββας"
Lean management in hospitals - the case of the Central Production Unit for Cytotoxic and Biologic Anticancer Agents in Saint Savva's hospital
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Κεντρική Μονάδα Διάλυσης Κυτταροστατικών Φαρμάκων ; Λιτή διαχείριση ; Υγειονομική περίθαλψη ; Α.Ο.Ν.Α. Ο Άγιος Σάββας ; Cytostatic and Anticancer Agents' Production Unit ; Lean management ; Health care services ; Hospital Agios SavvasAbstract
In the present study the issue of Lean Management in hospitals is examined and the
case of the Central Production Unit for Cytotoxic and Biologic Anticancer Agents in
"Saint Ag.Savvas" hospital. Initially, an introduction to the Lean Management concept
is introduced, while Lean Management principles are presented, which is to define value
on the part of the client, to identify the current value by taking steps that do not create
value, to define the steps that create value and a smooth course to the customer, supply
of services based on demand in quantity and time as well as continuous improvement.
The concept of waste, which contains defects, overproduction, transport, waiting,
stocks, over-operation, and unused knowledge, is then identified. It also analyzes the
simple management method, which contains the mapping of the current value, the
presentation of the previous situation and the 5s strategy.
The second chapter reflects the auspicious thinking in healthcare services, which
mentions the benefits in implementation, related to improving quality, improving care
provision, improving performance, and standardization that leads to acceleration of
dynamics and improvement.
The third chapter deals with the case study concerning the Central Production Unit. In
particular, we present the international standards, the staffing and operation of the
central cytostatic agent disintegration unit of the Saint Savvas General Anti-Cancer
Hospital of Athens and the management of the drug in the room of the Laminar Air
Flow Cabinet(LAF). The fourth chapter presents the proposals for future research and
the benefits of austerity in the health sector.