Ο αλγόριθμος κρυπτογράφησης NTRU
The NTRU public key cryptosystem
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NTRU ; Κρυπτογραφία δημοσίου κλειδιού ; LLL ; Πλέγματα σημείων ; Μετα-κβαντική κρυπτογραφία ; Public key cryptosystem ; Latices ; Post-quantum cryptographyAbstract
The continuous development of computer science results to the growing need for
security of the information and the protection of privacy. This thesis deals with the NTRU public key
cryptosystem. We deal with integer lattices and also with the processes of message encryption and
decryption through the NTRU Cryptosystem. Public Key Cryptography enjoys global research interest
and study, as it is a very modern and competitive technique to older types of cryptography (such as
RSA algorithm which is used today). It is also based on some hard to solve math problems arising
from the use of lattices, such as the SVP (Shortest Vector Problem) and the CVP (Closest Vector
Problem). We are furthermore going to present the most common lattice basis reduction algorithm,
the LLL Algorithm. Finally, we will refer to Homomorphic Cryptography and the applications of the
specific cryptosystem in the post-quantum cryptography.