Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής καταχώρησης και παρακολούθησης ραντεβού νοσοκομείου με λειτουργίες που χρησιμοποιούν νευρωνικό δίκτυο

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Web application ; Hospital ; Neural ; NetworkAbstract
The present master’s dissertation is concerned with the development of a complete, user-friendly, web application for the upgrade of the appointments system of a hospital and provides an interface for the patients, an interface for the doctors and one for the administrator.
On the one hand, the patients can easily make an appointment by selecting the doctor’s office they need, the desired doctor, the date, the time and the symptom they exhibit. They can also see their pending and completed appointments and rate a doctor, too.
On the other hand, each doctor can watch their appointments on any chosen day, each one of them comprises of information concerning the patient and the medical issue. They can change the view on the current and completed appointments and additionally, register their duration. Furthermore, they can note their leave in order their name not to be appeared in the system during their days off.
Additionally, an interface for the administrator has been developed, through which, they can add, edit and delete database data, and also watch some statistics, as they are collected from the database.
In conclusion, we include in our work an algorithm for the implementation of a Neural Network, which gives us an estimation of the duration of each appointment, depending on the experience the algorithm acquires from the duration of the already completed appointments.
It is pointed out that the “front-end” of the application has been built with the framework Angular2, while the “back-end” is structured in REST API’s in NodeJS Server. The used database is in MongoDB.