Έρμα. Οικολογικές και οικονομικές επιπτώσεις.Πρόσφατοι κανονισμοί και προδιαγραφές του ΙΜΟ και της USCG

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Έρμα ; Επιπτώσεις ; Μέθοδοι επεξεργασίας θαλάσσιου έρματος ; Θαλάσσιο περιβάλλονAbstract
With the increase of international maritime trade, tons of ballast water are transferred through the seas of the world every day. As a result, the marine environment and the economies of the countries worldwide are threatened, due to the increased risk of invasive alien species circulating this way. The International Maritime Organization and the US Coast Guard have been taking measures in an attempt to reduce these impacts. Shipowners and operators will have to comply with the regulations dictating they should adopt a ballast water treatment method. For this reason, loads of ballast water treatment systems have been introduced in the market, awaiting approval from the International Maritime Organization or/ and the US Coast Guard. The invasive species outnumber the native species, differentiating the marine environment. The human health also, is at risk from the transfer of dangerous species. The maritime cluster needs to cover losses and costs that range from fisheries to installing ballast water treatment systems on ships.