Ένας τοπικός Android Proxy για καταγραφή, επιτήρηση και διαχείριση των διαδικτυακών διασυνδέσεων
A Local Android Proxy for Monitoring and Policying Internet Connections
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In the following thesis you will see how the Operando proxy can be extended to capture the web
calls that an Android mobile sent on the network and help us to categorize them, study them,
publish them on a server and how this can help as to discover real-time applications based on
URLs used by the applications.
In the introduction you will find a brief description of what the application does and what
technologies have been used. The main part of the thesis consists of three sections. The first
concerns the theoretical issues that concerned us during the course of the thesis, such as on
which android is operationally feasible to use the application and how we could find out if an
application runs on the android from the data recorded by the proxy. The second section
concerns the technical implementation. In more details, in this section we have recorded the
database scheme, the installation process, the classes, the web server, the communication with
the server and finally the new screens and how they are used. The third section concerns the
conclusions we have drawn about what is the value of the thesis, what could be done as a next
step and whether we ran thesis as a project. Closing the thesis, there is a small epilogue,
necessary annexes and the sources that helped us.