Εμπειρική διερεύνηση του κινδύνου των αποδόσεων μετοχών εταιρειών του δείκτη NASDAQ με τη μέθοδο VaR
Empirical evaluation of risk for NASDAQ stock returns with the VaR method
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Κίνδυνος ; Value – at – Risk (VaR) ; Ανάλυση χρονοσειρών ; ARCH υποδείγματα ; GARCH υποδείγματα ; Time series analysis ; ARCH models ; GARCH modelsAbstract
This thesis develops the main concept of Risk and focuses on its empeirical evaluation through the Value at Risk method. This statistical technique estimates the maximum loss that may appear in an investment, for a given time period, at a given confidence level. The Value at Risk estimation is accomplished by combining time series analysis and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. In this thesis, VaR method is applied to log returns of four stock prices of NASDAQ index.