Κεφαλαιακή διάρθρωση και διανομή κερδών επιχειρήσεων εισηγμένων στο Χ.Α.
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This study analyzes both the importance of the capital structure and the dividend policy of enterprises, concepts that are associated with the decisions that management is required to take to invest, but also to yield its profits to its shareholders. In Chapter Two, we analyze the concept and the theories of the capital structure as well as the most important factors that affect it. In Chapter Three, we explain the second concept of this study, that of dividend policy, which is presented by analyzing some of the most fundamental theories, such as Modigliani & Miller. The relationship between them is often interrelated, as both transfer information about the course of the business to external users, influencing their image to them, and this relationship is presented through surveys in chapter four. Chapter Five is a presentation of the results of the research undertaken in Greek companies on capital structure, dividend policy and their relationship. Chapter Six provides information on the concepts of capital structure and dividend policy In the last chapter, the conclusions that have emerged after the analysis of the investigations carried out in each of the above mentioned chapters are presented.