Capital loan analysis from 2010 to 2016

Master Thesis
Αρτσιδάκης, Στυλιανός
Artsidakis, Stylianos
Πελαγίδης, ΘεόδωροςView/ Open
Ναυτιλία ; Χρηματοδότηση ; Αριθμοδείκτες ; Δανειακές υποχρεώσεις ; Τιμές ναύλων ; Shipping ; Finance ; Ratios ; Debt liabilities ; Freight ratesAbstract
Shipping is a very special market, with constant fluctuations and a need for high-capital investment. The financing of companies is a key component of both their growth and their sustainability.
Since 2007, when there has been a tremendous rise in freight rates, the optimism climate has been soaring and the companies have made huge profits, over the last decade we have seen exactly the opposite. The climate has changed sharply, most companies have problems with their debt obligations and the market faces an oversupply of capacity that directly affects their freight rates and thereinafter their operation cash flows.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the debt obligations of eight companies, how they evolved from 2010 to 2016 and how they are linked to the course of the market. We begin with an analysis of the two main markets, dry and wet, then we are referred to the main ways of financing methods and how they are affected by maritime cycles. After that we analyze the profiles of the chosen companies, the methodology we used and the presentation of the key figures we will lay down. The last chapter presents our results and the conclusions of this study.